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SAP Business One for Plastic Manufacturing Company


SAP Business One for Plastic Manufacturing Company

20 June, 2021

Plastic is used in a large number by many companies and therefore Plastic Manufacturing plays a vital role in the economy of a country. SAP Business One is a perfect match as an ERP solution for such companies due to its accuracy, adaptability, and scalability features. Plastic Manufacturing being an important industry is subject to many governmental and environmental regulations, keeping a track of these regulations and the compliance of companies in observing them is of paramount importance.

So how does SAP B1 help the plastic manufacturing company?

  • Capacity Utilization: Plastic companies need to be aware of the inventory levels and orders to match the requirements. With SAP Business One, you get to know the inventory levels at any manufacturing plant. It provides the latest information or data with utmost accuracy. This helps the manager in deciding if they need to change the planning so that helps them improve efficiency and make it more productive.
  • Planning and SchedulingPlastic Manufacturing involves many stages in its production. All these processes are documented properly and therefore to help companies, an SAP B1 ERP solution identifies the unproductive processes which can be removed from the list of procedures. This would help the plastic manufacturer in cutting down costs and improving productivity.
  • Raw Materials ConsumptionSAP B1 provides the data related to the raw materials consumption in real-time so that the procurement department of the plastic manufacturing company can decide on what level of raw materials needs to be procured if there is a pile-up of inventory and a decision can be made as to how much order has to be placed or not.
  • Analytics and ReportsPlastic Manufacturing is a capital-intensive industry and to understand how much resource has to be put in where one needs to analyze the present conditions and match them with the business plan. Reports are available on SAP B1 at the instance of a click. Reports on the latest data can be fetched and work can be done on them in a matter of minutes. This helps companies save a lot of time and money at the same time, whereas a wrong allocation of resources would have cost the company lot of money.

Gujarat in India, being the highest plastic manufacturer in the country is the leading plastic processing hub. It helps SMEs in automating processes and providing real-time data visibility into their operations. Small and medium enterprises can use the SAP B1 ERP software to have their processes streamlined and integrated, this can result in cost-efficient processes, and also productivity of the company can be increased. We, at Softcore Solutions an SAP Business One Partner in Bangalore are here to help you implement ERP software in your organization and make your workflow easier.