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3 Reasons why you should shift to pure cloud ERP system 

Oracle Netsuite

3 Reasons why you should shift to pure cloud ERP system 

25 May, 2024

Efficiency and agility are the fundamentals of the business world. Hybrid cloud solutions, which combine on-premises elements with their cloud-based backends, may have some advantages but can introduce complexity in integrations. Here is why businesses should consider adopting a pure cloud ERP system that seeks for speed, accuracy and smooth operation: 

1. Unleash real-time visibility with eliminated middleware delays 

In today’s competitive landscape, speed is paramount. Delays in information flow between CRM and ERP systems can hinder your ability to close deals. These middleware layers become bottlenecks slowing information delivery and obstructing sales teams from accessing critical prospect data. 

2. Ensure financial accuracy & compliance via consolidated systems 

Every business requires financial accuracy at its core. Purchase-to-pay processes show discrepancies or slow down data transfer between back ends hosted in the clouds and front-end reports. It means your hybrid setup might be anti-financial transparency. 

Pure cloud ERP systems situate all data including functionalities within a single secure environment thus eradicating differences found in hybrid setups caused by possible gaps amid cloud as well as on-premises components. For example, financial management modules dealing with long-term contracts benefit from this consolidation as you gain in real-time financial insights to ensure adherence to critical policies.  

3. Achieving seamless production flow and eliminating timing hiccups 

Information flowing efficiently across different departments in a manufacturing environment is crucial; these include operations, supply chain, finance and sales departments amongst others. Timing difficulties may arise since hybrid-cloud ERP systems suffer due to integration problems between onsite and offsite components. If production is the weakest link in this situation, it can cause inefficiencies or total cessation of the process. 

Pure cloud ERP systems thus eliminate these timing hiccups by keeping all data and processes within a single centralized cloud environment. This allows seamless exchange of information between modules where operations, finance, and sales department for example can easily collaborate. Consequently, production planning and execution processes become streamlined allowing optimal resource allocation without delays in meeting customers’ demands. 

In conclusion, though migrating to new systems seems overwhelming with the initial expense being high; however, what is for sure is that the benefits of doing so will outweigh these disadvantages in the long run. Pure cloud ERP systems provide a unified platform that eradicates complexities and inefficiencies of hybrid setups. You get real-time visibility, improved financial accuracy as well as smooth production flow which consequently gives rise to business agility leading to success. By embracing the cloud, you enable your organization to operate at its full potential. 

Do you want an Oracle NetSuite Cloud ERP solution for your company. To meet the specific needs of your business, it is anticipated that SoftCore Solutions will support you to select cloud ERP in the North! Work with any NetSuite Solution Provider today for a better tomorrow.